A Love Letter
Recently, I've been feeling defeated and unable to move forward in life. Uncertainty devours me. This has been giving me major anxiety bursts. But, I try to stay positive despite it all and to release negative thoughts and feelings through creative outlets. The other day, as I was rummaging around my collage picture binder, I found something special and unexpected. An old piece of paper where I had written out a list of everything I had ever accomplished or at least tried. The list was long and some of the things that I wrote I didn't even remember. It made me smile because today I can add more things to that list, but also because I felt like I had just received a love letter from my past self. It reads "Hey, I know that you’ve been feeling down and that things aren’t going your way. But please remember, you are far more capable than you think you are. I believe in you, don't give up". I needed that. Sometimes we all do; positive affirmations are so important to keep a positive mindset. I invite you to make a list of your own accomplishments (however small they may seem). Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back, because life is hard and we're all out here doing the best we can.
P.s. For what it's worth; I believe in you too.
Take care; until next time.
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